Today began with the sound of rain, the impulse to do nothing, the realization that I'd ordered 5 books online last night at 1am and the accompanying excitement that soon my books will arrive! I opted not to buy any raw food uncookbooks -- most of the recipes are kinda crap; also, from my browsings I've decided that half the books are recipes for salads and smoothies, areas in which I feel confident to experiment on my own. If you hold my hand.
So I bought a book on permaculture (def.= "Design system and philosophy that uses land in a way that integrates human dwellings and activities with local natural ecologies") and urban agriculture since those are my family roots: stewards of the land or into the building business. My grandparents don't practice permaculture farming methods, though. They like machines and fertilizers and Monsanto seeds. *gasp* I'd like to show up on their farm, inappropriately dressed, fresh from the city, and tell them how to farm properly: show them how to make effective use of their spaces without using poisonous chemicals and without depleting the soil of nutrients (throwing at them the pages of knowledge I've collected from all my book-learnings) -- but I don't really know anything. I'd be willing to try and see what happens! And I'm sure they'd enjoy the gloating when it becomes obvious that I don't know what the hell I'm doing with a million acres of land. So it's a win-win. (Note: my grandparents wouldn't gloat; they'd ask, "Are you done yet?" and then they'd get back to work.) I'll have to persuade them that there's a better, more lucrative way to farm by doing it myself. It'll be a summer project. A smaller scale project. Project Hubris.
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