Thursday, April 23, 2009

Softball (Not to Eat)

State of relaxed eagerness.  Watched a video about elite athletes and their routines.  Massages are important.  Why?  Relaxed, elongated muscles have greater contraction potential and therefore more strength.  And yeah, I've noticed that most often the strongest runners/swimmers appear the most relaxed....  

Biomechanics 101.  When I'm at bat and I want to kill the ball, I have no power if I'm strangling the bat with all my might.  When I'm tense, my muscles have no potential force left as they are already (almost) fully contracted.  So, when I'm relaxed, holding the bat lightly (but making sure to have a firm grip -- I don't want to throw the bat at the pitcher...) I can take advantage of a greater potential that now exists by squeezing mainly when I'm actually swinging and about to make contact with the ball.  Also, I put most of my weight on my back foot and raise my front foot a little so my toes are still on the ground, then naturally transfer that weight to the front and balance as I swing.

Physiologically, tense muscles relate to uptightness in emotion, and vice versa.  Calm head, calm body, optimal ability to respond accurately.  Nice and easy saaawwwiinnng.

So yes.  Mentally, I feel in control when I'm relaxed.  Really what that means is that I feel in control when I surrender control, haha.  Anyway.  Going with the flow, resisting not, only channeling energy into something I want... sunny days bring out the Optimist in me.  I'm sure there's another word for it but I like Optimist.

Menu: a mixed greens salad and two strawberry-spinach smoothies thus far.

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