Seawall walk and then some chocolate chip banana bread and a masala couscous wrap from the Wholefoods-owned Capers store. Capers isn't my first choice for quality foods. *Hi, Capers* I do enjoy their veggie wraps and deli foods, though. (Chickpea salad?! Yes please.)
I'm in a domestic mood. I found some cookbooks with recipes to adapt as raw vegan dishes or lightly cooked vegan/vegetarian meals. One such book is Salt Spring Island Cooking, given to me by my Grandparents two years ago, and the other is... well, I have just one recipe book. Oh, and the vita-mix book that came with my appliance. Plus my imagination.
Still... I do feel better when I eat all raw all day.

"Things won are done; joy's soul lies in the doing." (Troilus and Cressida) I'm posting this here so I remember it for later.
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