I'm snacking on some cashews while making my strawberry-cayenne-banana-(and a little bit of organic 2% probiotic yogurt) smoothie. I'm adding the yogurt as an experiment. I ate a ton of raw garlic on Sunday so I was thinking that I'd possibly killed all my inner flora and fauna. I hope there wasn't any fauna to begin with. Anyway, I had intended to post a blurb here about probiotics and internal flora but all of the results of my search on page 1 are linked to a product so I'm skipping those, and now I'm tired. So I'll provide a definition from wikipedia that sounds equally credible: "Probiotics are dietary supplements of live bacteria or yeasts thought to be healthy for the host organism." Well, I think a lot of things that aren't true, soooo....
I had a lot of fresh air and fun today: played catch with Goran at Second Beach, videotaped Vancouver's scenery to persuade my family to visit and on top of it all I even got some work done. Breakfast was a mixed greens salad with avocado and tomato. I had a couple of smoothies and grapefruit during the day before my playtime. Also viewed several TED talks (while doing work...). Vilayanur Ramachandran spoke about the brain and how memory and visual signals interplay with cerebral tissues to make sense of one's experience. Visual input/feedback is important. (Creative/positive visualization is important to one's well-adapted functioning in the world. Think Maxwell Maltz et al.) In this talk: phantom limbs; the fusiform gyrus; sensory conflict; he slams Freudian theory; woohoo. "Ramachandran’s early work was on visual perception but he is best known for his experiments in behavioral neurology which, despite their apparent simplicity, have had a profound impact on the way we think about the brain." [bio]
To bring the quality down a notch -- this video is for my Mom: it's the accidental intro to the longer "wow, Vancouver is so great; come for a visit" promo. In it, I appear extra-flirty (re: sporty fella running joke) plus it looks like I interrupt Goran, but really he was done. This video has nothing to do with food so don't watch it unless you're my MOM.
Ok..I've got my bags packed! The promo video was so convincing. However, I didn't really see any scenery...are you really in Vancouver? By the way...I must show this video to Grandma when/if she comes to visit me...wink..wink
Love Mom
I'm not your Mom but based on the video which focused on you and no scenery I have to admit I'm convinced Vancouver is a great place to be. I'll just drive, bike, or run the 8 miles downtown. C u soon!
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