Tuesday, June 9, 2009

A Day of Flour

davie village
Breakfast: Leftover pad thai from last night's seawall power walk (power walk to make it back to Davie Street before sundown @ 9:30pm, a.k.a the time all the stores in the West End close up shop).

Lunch: Steamroller # 3 (veggie deluxe). Some sort of strawberry smoothie thing from Blenz. An apple.

After softball: Four veggie tacos with lime juice, and water. Note proper use of comma for clarity's sake. Also a banana and another apple.

Earlier today, on the way to the softball carpool rendezvous point, I stopped by the Davie Village Community Garden to document the progress of nature.

my plot! mmhmmm

Look! Stuff grew! That I planted! Lesson: seeds from 2004/5 have the potential to germinate in 2009. It's never too late. This paragraph is ripe for reaping as a didactic metaphor.

1 comment:

Michael said...

"Strawberry Yogurt Fruitchillo"--specificity is important.