Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Oh No! I Swallowed a Fly!

Nothing is more important than that I feel good.

The food I eat serves this purpose.  I'm not going to let food run my life nor will I become militant about what counts as raw vegan goodness.  The odd cooked thing is nothing to stress over; the whole point of eating living foods that are in harmony with my body is so that I feel more in tune with myself.  And stress is out of tune.  A little stress that is part of the restructuring of a glorious work into a magnificent masterpiece lends the whole creation some character, though.  I'm into the Big Picture.  I'm into .. the Holistic approach.  So I'll be writing more about this Big Picture and my daily routine which complements my strange eating behaviour.

As Michelle suggested, I'm doing this 'return to the simple lifestyle' blog experiment every today for 3+ months to see what happens.  Well, to see if this daily health habit becomes an unconscious way of life, for my conscious benefit.  And to annoy everyone I have dinner with in a restaurant, or at Thanksgiving, or at any family gathering.  They'll likely assume that I just want attention.  And they'd be mostly right but I want more than that.

So I'm using this blog as a way to maintain focus and be accountable to myself and to the imagined readers who happen to find this place.  Perhaps you, the imagined reader, can join me on this adventure and offer some words about your own experience.  Consider this your invitation to dialogue avec moi.

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