Hello, blog. Apologies for the neglect. I've been active, drinking my morning smoothies (with spinach), and enjoying the seawall and social time.
Yesterday I made myself get up somewhat early so I could accompany Lori on a bus ride to Richmond to see a surgeon about a knee. I had fun seeing her again! Lori emanates a loving-kindness that is fun to bask in. If she reads this she might think I'm being facetious. I'm not. She told me I roll my eyes too much.
Lots happened yesterday! Mysteriously (or not), I ran into a friend I had seen only once in the past five years. Well, she nearly ran me over, haha.
Here's the scene: I was walking through the alley behind my building, with my headphones on and eyes to the ground. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, but I was not in a pleasant mood. Long story. To sum it up, I was upset with myself for cancelling an afternoon interview (I eventually went and was glad I did). Anyway. During the time that I was upset with myself, I was enjoying the strength of my anger and resolved to make some changes and go straight for what I want. So, that's what I was thinking about as I walked back from the recycling bin where I'd thrown my certified organic strawberry containers. I vaguely noticed a car drive by me but I didn't look up because frankly I didn't care about anything but my inner resolve. I heard the car stop a few feet behind me. That's not too weird, I guess. And go in reverse. Hmmm. 'Please don't ask me for directions, please don't ask me for directions.' It was driving in reverse beside me... I still didn't look up. Finally the car came to a dramatic halt forming a V formation in front of me to block my path (against a parked truck). Impressive skills. I wondered just how badly this person wanted directions. I bent over, peeked into the passenger window, saw an attractive (yes that's the first thing I thought) woman trying to remove her sunglasses from her eyes. I thought, 'Why is she looking at me like that? She must think she knows me. Hmmmmm. She looks familiar, maybe someone on the L Word who remembers that time I accidentally walked onto the set 2 summers ago. Wow, maybe I'm famous already...'
She took off her sunglasses. It took me a second to register what was happening. "Gosia?! Holy sh*t -- I never see you!" I actually spoke aloud what I was thinking. She said she'd thought it was me. She wondered why I was walking through a back alley. I told her I live in that building [pointed to the one with the dumpster and bed mattress leaning against it] and added that it looks nicer from the front. I forgot to ask her what she was doing driving through a back alley.
I have photos of food but my camera card is stubborn.
Softball practice and BBQ tomorrow! I'll bring fruit or something.
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