Good news! This morning I secured my plot in the Davie Village Community Garden for $10.oo. I will go back later to top-up my plot (#14 -- I think it's in a decent location) with fresh soil, if anybody wants to help.... hint hint. I have a million seeds from 2005. If I plant all of them, something might germinate.
I feel a sentimental moment coming on. Oh, it's here already: I love this city. I love the country more, but for a city, Vancouver is superiocity. While at the garden a few minutes ago, I noticed that there are many people that share my last name, taking part in this garden. What does it all mean...? Um, it means that sharing is good. Sharing is the fabric of healthy homes and communities, and thus, of community gardening. *Breathes deeply, pounds chest, for no reason.*
More on the Davie Village Garden controversy (to plant edibles vs. ornamentals) from cityfarmer.info.
Yesterday Goran and I inline skated and biked, respectively and respectfully, around the Stanley Park seawall. I left my backpack at home for once, so that I might enjoy a taste of real, string-less, freedom! And without my pack, my back remained dry. Epiphany. Usually my shirt absorbs litres of smoothies in sweat form after a bike ride, but not this time! Related non-effect: my foot did not cramp for lack of electrolytes.
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