Sunday, May 3, 2009

Go, Crista! Yay, Re-Ups!

This morning Crista beat her goal time at the BMO Vancouver International Marathon! Fifth in age/gender category. Congratulations again, Crista!

My biggest accomplishment of the day was waking up at 6:15 a.m.

Had time for 7/8ths of a carrot for breakfast. After the marathon madness, indulged in a steamroller #11 with Sumit, biked home for a 10-minute nap, a mixed greens salad with red bell pepper and a grapefruit-banana-gala apple smoothie.

The Re-Ups had an afternoon practice game against CBC Radio 3. Left my house at ten minutes to three. Biked to China Creek Park by three-ish, exhausted. We played a full nine innings of 'everybody hits' and all had a gay ol' time, except for Michelle, who was playing for the other team.

After softball I had a veggie (avocado, something else, tofu) sushi combo. It was okay. Tofu is grossaroo -- I don't know how I'd missed that ingredient under the veggie combo description. Anyway, the soya sauce always kills me with its 100000 times the levels of sodium I'm used to, so I had only a tad.

In bed by 10pm!

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