Monday, May 18, 2009

I remembered that I have another camera! It is filled with professional-calibre photos from last Christmas, though.

Someone is smoking *something* outside my window. Gag me with a spoon. My morning smoothie: spinach, my last grapefruit, banana, cayenne, water.

Later: carrots, a #3 steamroller, salad. An apple. This photo captures the foreboding tone of my morning green smoothie.... kidding. Nothing replicates the feeling. I mean that I like my green smoothies. Really, I suggest that you try one and let me know what you think. (Mom.) What's so gross about something green? You eat foods that are brown and enjoy them, right? SO, expand your horizons by limiting your intake of crahp. =) If you so desire. I don't really care what you do, and I mean that in the best way.

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