This recipe is simple, good and easy, as are most things I like. I love comfort foods! I tried making the meal differently this second time... and afterwards I could eat it without having to plug my nose; therefore, 'twas a success.
Modifications: I used more garlic in the sauce.. I forgot the nutmeg in the filling.. I didn't use any sage.. and I substituted 1 cup of walnuts for the 1/2 cashews and 1/2 sunflower seeds. Also, I threw in half of a red bell pepper (with the walnuts) just because. The filling is the best mock tuna salad I've made! I'm going to remember this and add a few dulse flakes to make it taste fish-like.
My New and Improv[is]ed Version:
TOMATO SAUCE TOPPING [made in vita-mix]
½ cup sun-dried tomatoes, soaked for 15 minutes
1 tablespoon cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
2 medium tomatoes, chopped
½ cup chopped fresh basil
½ cup fresh oregano leaves
1 teaspoon Himalayan salt
FILLING [mock tuna salad base] [made in vita-mix]
4 broccoli stalks (with crowns), cut into chunks
1/2 of a red bell pepper
1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary
1 tablespoon chopped fresh sage
¼ cup lemon juice
1 cup of walnuts
CANNELLONI "SHELLS" (or serve on a flatbed of zucchini strips)
the zucchini leftover from last time
some raw pine nuts to sprinkle on top
Also next time I'd add some onion and maybe a little bit of chopped celery to the filling for the mock tuna effect. The walnuts give the filling a mayonnaise tanginess.

The sun is shining! I like sitting at the beach watching other people fulfill their wellness goals.
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