I hope this smoothie (lower left corner) makes you as happy as you were when Liesl repackaged your ukulele and gave it to you last Christmas. (Or as happy as Liesl was.)
So. Thanks for being my Mom. Even though you were young and had no idea what the heck you were doing, you're a good bluffer and we all turned out a-ok. ;) I love you! I'm glad I chose you and that you in your infinite wisdom decided to keep me. I'd choose you again, and this time I'd hug you all the time and I wouldn't let you do my grade 3 wolf science project.
So.. when are you coming to visit? Why stay in Ontario? It doesn't count as running away if you're heading towards what you want.... which is obviously over here. Because I have your smoothie.And while I'm typing, I'll cover today's menu:
Breakfast: kale and avocado salad with tomatoes, minus the lemon juice
Lunch: spinach-banana-strawberry-cayenne-water smoothie
Some organic cashews and brazil nuts.
Supper: spring mix salad with avocado, olive oil
Birthday smoothie.
This is your "Anonymous" mom again. Thanks for the b-day wish. Can you tell I had not visited your blog in a few days?:(
Sounds like your life continues to be "raw" and exciting.
I only wish I could say the same.
Anyways, I will continue to read...Love mom xoxoxo
Hi, Mom! Yes, I was wondering what you'd been up to... what's more important than looking at this blog?! Don't answer that.
'Raw' and exciting... Why only wish?
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