[This post isn't really food-related, but I've written it already and I hate erasing things.]
We have sun! I'm loving this. I woke up with a clearer mind (after journalling last night), remembered last night's dream and went for a short walk along the seawall.
During the pre-breakfast walk while listening to my mp3 player again with my eyes half-closed, walking north, a long-haired, kind, Celtic-looking guy asked me a question about the tide. The guy has been in Vancouver from the Okanagan since Tuesday. His visit is perfectly timed to enjoy all of the sunny days we've been having. I think he's the sort of person that the sun would follow no matter where he goes... he emanated a friendly warmth. He's originally from Windsor, Ontario, so that explains it. =) I enjoyed seeing how excited he was to be there at the oceanside for the first time in his life. He was surprised that the ocean tasted as salty as it does. Hmmmm, maybe the fact that he drank the salt water had something to do with his lack of pretense and genuinely friendly demeanour.. now I must rethink all of this....
And no, I won't preach about the wonder of life and how easily we take for granted life's simple joys, blah blah; but I will say that that guy had some kind, sparkley eyes and his parting words, "Thank you, Dear," made me feel at home.
And since so far this entry has nothing to do with physical food but rather a nourishment of the spirit, I'll continue in that vein. Here's the journalling exercise I do at night: Brainstorm a minimum of 20
This way, I go to sleep with a clear head, feeling good, focused on actions that naturally support my focus on where I'm going and the values that emerge from that process. Sweet dreams.
Oh right, food.
Breakfast: 100g of cashews, a big banana-strawberry-cacao-blueberry-cayenne-spinach-water smoothie
Lunch: Kale and avocado salad.
Snack: A big juicy field greens salad with olive oil and soaked sun-dried tomatoes + avocado. So very good.
Dinner: A frozen strawberry-banana-cacao-cayenne sorbet. Later, a whole grapefruit.. and while watching Supernatural recognized the street [in a scene with Dean and Sam] as Union and whatever the street is that intersects in front of Benny's Italian corner store in Strathcona.
Sonya, I adore your blog. You have such a distinctive and heart-felt voice.
Are you on Twitter? Find me there -- I'm "angelaleeds".
I'm going to highlight your blog on my own blog today. If you don't mind. :D
FYI: Here's a link to my highlight of your blog site:
Hi Angela,
Wow, how did you find my blog?! (I thought the only people who read it were my family and sometimes Michelle, haha.)
Thanks for your kind comments and for the mention on your blog... I really like what you said about being a raw advocate by example instead of being one to proselytize to the masses. (I paraphrased.) =)
And perhaps your green smoothies will convince my Mother that they are indeed edible and even enjoyable... Thanks!
I get "Google alerts" throughout the day on new content on raw food & green smoothie blogs, and yours came in that alert! So you are definitely "known" by Google! LOL
I remember when I first went raw, I was pretty much 100% and my mom came to visit. I told her "Don't freak out by how my kitchen is *different*. I'll cook for you like normal, but I'm trying something different out."
But she was so incredibly fascinated by what I was making, she decided to eat everything I ate! I darn near feel over in shock. :D
She just kept saying "I never knew anyone could *eat* like this!" And within a week she was pain-free, no arthritis. So very cool.
Course, she went home and went back to her old ways. But I've been impressed many times by people who "got into it" that I never thought would. I bet we could find something your Mother might even take a sniff at. *grin*
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