Friday, March 6, 2009

No... I was just chopping some onions....

A note [posted with permission] from my sister, Amber:

Maybe I should post this on your blog, but here is a little bit of what I got, baby!!

I am eating a spinach salad filled with fresh strawberries, blueberries, dried cherries, red and yellow bell peppers and walnuts... and it makes me think of you.

There is this wonderful restaurant in the food court near one of the sites that I work at, and they serve mostly vegan food, but it is absolutely delicious there! You would love it. They even make their own jam to put on the toast. All meals served with fresh fruit and veggies.


Does sound yummy; thanks, Ambrosia! Come visit me... Tell Mom to fly over here, too. I'll live in a lovely place, grow lots of salads, make green smoothies for breakfast and we can go work/play at the beach all day -- sometimes in the sun!

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