I like to pimp Michelle's blog at every opportunity. She's helping to dispel the myths about boring raw foods and showing that kale isn't actually totally disgusting in its raw state. Yay! Michelle likes kale and avocado salad. So Mom, read Michelle's blog.
If you've ever had kale raw and then tried the tenderized raw kale version, you'll appreciate the difference. C'est vrai, if you eat kale completely raw on its own, it's not the most enticing thing in the world. I'd be turned off. But gently massage it down with some salty oil, and lemon, and avocado, and, wow.
I had the kale and avocado salad for breakfast this morning and ate my partly unblended banana-lemon-cayenne-apple-strawberry-blueberry smoothie for lunch just to mix it up a bit. Doing things differently today. I'm a new person. Being the change I want to see in the world. I like to see people doing it differently. I don't know what I'm saying.
More on the benefits of kale:
"The phytonutrients in cruciferous vegetables initiate an intricate dance inside our cells in which gene response elements direct and balance the steps among dozens of detoxification enzyme partners, each performing its own protective role in perfect balance with the other dancers. The natural synergy that results optimizes our cells' ability to disarm and clear free radicals and toxins, including potential carcinogens, which may be why cruciferous vegetables appear to significantly lower our risk of cancer."
Oh man, they had me until the word synergy.
So in total today: 3 or 4 smoothies, 2 salads. And a lot of these songs.
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