Today I had some smoothies and a few salads with the veggie-nut burgers. My favourite smoothie of the day was this strawberry-banana-apple-kale-cacao-cayenne-water concoction, pictured on the right with one of the 12 or so bags of frozen fruits I have shoved in my fridge freezer.
From Raw Foods Bible by Craig B. Sommers:
Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D., along with Alvin Ford, conducted a 10-year "landmark" study starting in 1932. The study was done under the strictest scientific standards. They took approximately nine hundred cats and split them into groups.
Six hundred of the cats had complete medical histories. Medical observations were recorded on all of the cats. All the cats were kept outdoors in large pens. The groups had the same conditions except that one group was fed raw milk, raw meat and cod liver oil, while the other group had the same meat, but cooked, pasteurized milk, and the same cod liver oil.
The cats fed with raw food (hereafter referred to as ‘raw food cats ’) remained healthy throughout the generations. The cats fed with cooked food (hereafter referred to as ‘cooked food cats ’) were unable to reproduce after the third generation. Therefore, there were no fourth generation cats fed on cooked food to continue the study.
The raw food cats:
· Were resistant to infections, fleas and parasites.
· Had no changes in skeletal tissue or fur.
· Manifested friendly and predictable mental states.
· Had no trouble birthing or nursing.
The cooked food cats:
· Were not resistant to infections, fleas and parasites.
· Had unfavorable changes in skeletal tissue and fur.
· Suffered from heart problems, nearsightedness, farsightedness, underactivity or inflammation of the thyroid and bladder, arthritis and inflammation of the joints, inflammation of the nervous system with paralysis and meningitis, and infections of the kidney, bones, liver, testes and ovaries.
· Showed much more irritability than the raw food cats, were unpredictable, bit and scratched. The males had a drop in sexual interest and same-sex sexual activities were observed. (These sexual behaviors were not observed in the raw food cats.)
The symptoms of the cats fed on 100 percent cooked foods sounds very much like those that our society is experiencing today, do they not? Fertility drugs and doctors specializing in fertility are a growing and very profitable business. I believe infertility is mostly related to improper diet and lifestyle choices. More details on this study can be found in the book, Pottenger’s Cats by Francis M. Pottenger, Jr., M.D.
[Note: "At the time of Pottenger's Study the amino acid taurine had been discovered but had not yet been identified as an essential amino acid for cats. Today many cats thrive on a cooked meat diet where taurine has been added after cooking. The deficient diets lacked sufficient taurine to allow the cats to properly form protein structures and resulted in the health effects observed. Pottenger himself concluded that there was likely an 'as yet unknown' protein factor that may have been heat sensitive."]

Interesting conclusion. ["These sexual behaviors were not observed in the raw food cats." Well, obviously the raw food cats were discreet about it....]
I'll keep you posted if I notice any changes.
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