Today is Canada's (1867-2009) 142nd birthday. Holy. I just realized that I remember Canada's 125th anniversary -- I was 10 years old, watching the 'it's Canada's 125th birthday' announcement on television. I still feel like that same kid in a lot of ways; it's weird. "Every seven years you have all new cells -- therefore, you're only ever seven, at most." Anyway...
Spinach began my day in my usual smoothie, and ended it on two slices of Uncle Fatih's veggie-topped pizza pie. Also on the menu earlier today were two garden patties with salad and campari tomatoes, plus cookies from Capers. Michelle got vegan cookies -- I feel better about this entry now that I've included that tidbit.
ha! when asked if i knew how old canada was today, i promptly spat out, "125? no, that was a while ago...132-ish?" i felt a lot older upon being informed that it was 142 and that i remember it being just 125 so recently.
At least this proves that you have a great memory, too.
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