Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yes, Trees Have Eyes.

I'm a few days behind on updates. I remain loyal to my morning and evening spinach smoothies. For or after breakfast, I finished off my three remaining oatmeal cookies (purchased from Capers after our seawall tour the previous night) with water, then took a break and walked to the beach for some quiet time in the park, to reflect on my cookies. Alas, the park is no longer my special place; it has become the place where people who may or may not be drunk and/or evangelists feel it is their duty to sit and talk to me about things I do not care to hear. Twice in a week. I would be flattered but I doubt they have any standards beyond "it moves and makes brief, accidental eye contact with the tree to my left". On the plus side, I'm turning into an a--hole. With heart.

Tonight's softball recap: the girl playing thirdbase looked a lot like someone I know. I kept staring at her just to see if it was her. I think this creepy behaviour ultimately helped to unnerve the other team and thus contributed to our win. I had too much nervous energy to settle into the game, though -- usually my commute by bike calms me sufficiently to allow my proper focus and reflex action, but this time I was generously offered a ride to the game. Ohhhhhh excuses. (And thanks for the ride! There's no use in my trying to fix that wording/tone to match the spirit of appreciation in which I meant it.)

From Mike: Go Ahead, Nuke Those Carrots (Globe and Mail)

From Goran: The Power of Paying Attention


PommeDeTerre said...

kudos on the creepy winnings :) was the third base woman who you thought she was after all?

p.s. the word verification required to submit this comment has the word fece in it. i know you wanted to know that.

p.s.s. :D

Sonya said...

Thanks! The third base woman was not who I thought she was, unless she is now going by a different name and looks like someone else upclose.