Monday Morning! I awoke somewhat early to begin my day of kayaking with the smoothie pictured above. Not kayaking with the smoothie -- started my day by eating the smoothie, before running down the street to catch the 160 bus, to visit scenic Port Moody prior to Deep Cove adventuring. I've missed running up Thurlow, and running isn't my thing. I don't really enjoy a good short sprint unless I'm running somewhere with great purpose.
Back to food: I brought an apple with me for snacktime but I was too full of fish and chips to savour it until after the kayaking experience. Oh, and I had some chocolate banana bread from Starbux after the apple. I felt dehydrated and headachey after the fish and chips, even before kayaking, for the record.
Sipped on a chocolate milkshake as the sun set behind the mountains, went home and made another smoothie before bed. I was barely sore the next day! Woohoo!
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