Tuesday, January 26, 2010

One of the sandwiches I made this week: aged white cheddar (evil, I know -- I felt the spawn try to break through my stomach a la Alien (1979)); red bell pepper, green leaf lettuce, sweet cocktail tomato and avocado.


Then I ran out of avocado, so started making salads instead.

Tonight's post-yoga smoothie (frozen strawberries, a handful of spinach and two medium-sized bananas) hit the spot.  I made it home just in time (well, 19 minutes into the drama) for The Biggest Loser.  Going to North Van for a few days starting tomorrow morning.

And yes, yoga was fun.  My core feels it. Today we did some exercises for stimulating the heart chakra.  Other than my brief yet periodic laughing fit(s) during the mantra "Ong sohung", all went well.

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