Sunday, May 24, 2009

What You Don't Know About Orange Juice

Oh, so much to tell.

Instead here's something useful, brought to my attention by the guardian of the masses, Goran: Tropicana Orange Juice is not really orange juice. So choked. I'm not a big fan of buying things in boxes, but every once in a while my generous roommate donates a carton of the stuff to me upon his return from a shopping experience in the land of bulk, i.e. Costco. Killing me with kindness.

And an interview with the author of "Squeezed: What You Don't Know About Orange Juice," Alissa Hamilton: "Orange juice, with its image as a natural Florida product, bears the fingerprints of chemists and is often shipped from South America."

More reasons to know where your food comes from and what is in the soil and how your meals are prepared and by whom and how much do they love you...?...!

1 comment:

Duncan said...

Wow, what a bummer. I really don't feel like drinking Tropicana juice anymore. Not that I should be surprised; serves me right for getting my juice from PepsiCo. I wonder if Happy Planet is any better?