Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gorilla Food IV or V?

The Return of the Bikes (to Gorilla Food).

Made a morning smoothie (banana, spring salad mix, watermelon... left out the strawberries this time), and drank 125 mL of it while doing laundry and practicing assorted computer skillz i.e. not spilling anything on my keyboard.

I biked to softball practice with Michelle along the scenic seawall (which I completely ignored in favour of making sure I didn't run over any pedestrians while riding my squeaky, gear mis-aligned bicyclette). It was a leisurely ride to the park, with just enough heat and uphill portions to ensure a sweaty back and left-side-of-the-face burn. Actually I think I managed the leftside burn while pitching facing westnorthwest. And the face is only a little crisp. My shoulders and back caught most of the sun action.

Left softball practice early with Michelle for some healing raw eats at Gorilla Food. Dehydrated and hungry, we biked there twice -- the second time with the required equipment (to document the experience).

All raw deliciousness: Thai Fresh Wraps, Green Taco, Veggie Burger, Choco-Gorilla shake! Menu with character descriptions here.

Dessert: Tiramisu and ferrero rocher gelato. Learned that gelati is the plural form.

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