The Vita-Mix should arrive any day now.
I know, I should have read the raw research and gone all vegetable and fruitful from that day forth (like I did 5 years ago, then stopped when I stopped loving myself). But I didn't go 100% from the get-go this time. Oh well. So the first few entries are neither raw nor technically vegetarian. And I feel it.

Effects: I slept a lot today and felt kind of buttery and puffy. The good news is that I woke up early and rode my bike to Stanley Park to snap a photo of the ice and show proof that there is a sun in Vancouver. I wasn't dressed properly for the chilly weather, or I would have continued over the bridge to North Van. (Note to self: next time don't bike in pajamas.)
Today in reverse chronological order: I had some more heirloom variety lettuce leaves with avocado and a carrot.. another carrot or two.. organic corn chowder.. another salad.. and a steamed egg & hashbrown burrito from Steamrollers for breakfast.
More reminders for myself. My primary experiment and interest in eating raw is to see how I feel before/during/after the transition. I want to feel my best. I'm not sure how that feels, so this is going to be fun! In 50 years I'll wake up one morning and look over fondly at the deep leafy green vegetables resting on my pillow, and smile to myself in deep appreciation for how excited I am to experience such a great thing in my life now that I've allowed it to become an integral part of my lifestyle. Point being that this is a life-long commitment to living a long life of feeling good... and feeling better than good... and possibly, hypothetically, likely, definitely even feeling my best and seeing how that feels. And living what my best self likes to do with itself. Woohoo!
Speaking of exciting, I went to the community garden meeting today. We reviewed the Terms of Use licence that the gardeners will eventually sign once everybody agrees on the details. The plot is randomly assigned, 40 sq. ft., and the target date for completion of the garden design and getting the planting underway is sometime in April.
Article 2.1: Gardener's Covenants
(f) not to permit any illegal substance or plants from which illegal substances can be made to be grown on the Garden Plot;
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