Monday, July 20, 2009

Currently drinking bags of mizuna and chard in my morning smoothies.

The little West Valley Produce store I frequent for berries (local blueberries), located at Bute and Davie, gave me (what will grow into) a cilantro plant. It's amazing how appreciative I am of their showing appreciation for my millions spent in monthly patronage.

Remember the other day when I went swimming in the surprisingly un-packed Sasamat Lake on the hottest Saturday of the summer, and thought that everyone was staring at us in awe at how far and long we could swim so gracefully out in the middle of the lake? -- I just found out that the lake was actually closed that day due to high levels of fecal coliform.



Duncan said...


Sonya said...

The smoothie or the fecal coliform? I survived both. Woohoo!