I've been eating a lot lately. Swann makes really good food and she teaches me things about cooking. Things like: don't throw cold water into a really hot pan or the pan will distort into a misshapen freak of cookware; add water slowly to pancake mix if you want the mix to have a thicker pancake-batter-like consistency and not be all runny; buy things made in France because the French are the best.
At 1:30pm, which is shortly after we wake up, we like to turn on the telly and watch Nigella do things in the kitchen. I have been missing out, because before this week, I had no idea that Nigella and her joys of innuendo-filled cooking existed! The first time I watched her show, I couldn't tell if the show was meant as a parody of sensual foodies gone wild, or what exactly was going on with the creatively close-up camera work -- and, for once, I'm not the only one thinking depraved thoughts -- excerpted from wikipedia's Nigella Lawson entry: "'Those who did criticise her often suggested she was too flirtatious; a commentator from The New York Times said, 'Lawson's sexy roundness mixed with her speed-demon technique makes cooking dinner with Nigella look like a prelude to an orgy.'"[19]
Yes, yes it does. And her journalist/author background is intellectually appetizing. Appealing from all angles. We never leave the kitchen.
Chopped some fresh mint and threw it into the frying pan (Tefal crêpe pan) with some olive oil.
Added two beaten eggs.
Added some cooked mushrooms leftover from the potatoes + rosemary dish.
Crumbled some goat cheese on top.
Mouth orgasms.
The show with the Corsican Omelette recipe (at 7 minutes in). We used olive oil in lieu of butter in the pan.