A morning of friends. For breakfast I inhaled some leftover curried veggies and a few blueberries before running down the street to catch the #22 @7:29am to make it to our softball tournament on time. (The bus wasn't there at 7:29am, so I caught the 7:37am and still made it to the park shortly after 8:15am. I know you want to know this.)
After the tournament, we ate at the nearby Elephant Pub or something. I ordered the plain egg omelette with brown toast and hashbrowns. As I am the slowest eater always, my meal arrived last, as it should. But the server was kind and separated all 17 or so bills for us. Servers love doing that.
Speaking of, the generous Shappy, our very own Christian Gentleman, went out of his way to give Michelle and me a ride home (despite his shattered ankle and the most congested roadways I'd seen in Vancouver). Thanks, Michael! I'm sure he loved it too.
I made a blueberry-strawberry-banana-peach-cacao smoothie to toast to the Re-Ups: Thank-you, Rich and Aaron, for organizing this team of big-hearted people who like scoring big during rallies with two outs. And of course the original thank-you goes to Michelle for suggesting that I play on her team while talking over a meal one rainy day at Gorilla Food. This summer I learned a lot about livin' and a little 'bout love. And a lot about karaoke. I can say without reservation that this is the best summer of my adult life thus far. (Nothing compares to my privileged childhood.) So... thank-you, Re-Ups. I'm trying not to reveal any emotion whatsoever right now.
And Mom: please watch Aaron's masterpiece as posted on facebook. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=140399895830&ref=mf
i had fun getting to know you this summer, gold glover.
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