Monday, February 8, 2010

I had fun today.  I wore my sunglasses throughout the rainy morning and was rewarded with a sunny afternoon.  I'm sure the people I met in the morning still thought I was a weirdo.  Anyway, for the week I'm covering a walk that's owned by someone with ~ 30 years' seniority.  Jackpot on easy street for me...  I still came home physically exhausted.

I stopped at the Steamrollers on Robson Street on my walk back to the depot, weaving through hordes of smiling people.  I couldn't be upset though with the blue sky overhead, the sun shining in my eyes and my toes stepping on the heels of the people walking in front of me.  

My post-postie smoothie: frozen strawberries/blackberries/blueberries/raspberries with one ripe banana and a handful of spinach.

A nap and then a veggie sub from subway.  I meant to save half of it for breakfast tomorrow, but that didn't happen.  I'll have water for breakfast!  Mmmm.  Pure.  Bedtime.

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