Friday, September 4, 2009

Finished my final stats unit today.  I feel relieved but concerned, as I don't recall the reasons for utilizing (I don't like that word) certain equations to calculate whatever solutions I judged to look like something that the answer should look like.  But the units = completed!  Now for the final exam.  

I didn't leave the house very much at all today, and thanks to bowls of life-sustaining quinoa seed, I maintained my course along Priority Route.  Not the scenic path, but it gets me places.  Somehow during this time of grindstoning it I managed to watch the Twilight movie and become obsessed.

I did not eat an apple.


Michael said...

congrats! (on stats, not on falling victim to the twilight craze)

Sonya said...

Thanks, Michael!

(And I'm no Twilight victim; I consciously made the decision to behave irrationally.)