Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Stirfry of garlic, mushrooms, kale and broccoli on some leftover brown rice, sprinkled with hemp hearts and Udo's oil blend.  Mmhmm.  

Unquestioned Inner smile of the day:  I watched a mouse scurry across Burnaby Street at 17:25.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Red Thai Curry While Watching Hockey

My curry started out looking great!  And then it all went to hell.  (I left the burner on with the curry still sitting there while I watched the last 2 periods of the Canucks' game.) I won't need a detox cleanse after this.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

So I've been eating lots of stir fries.

Once when I ran out of stir fry ingredients, I steamed bok choy and doused it with Udo's oil and hemp seems.  Delish.

And I made a Thai red curry with shrimp, kale, broccoli, mushrooms, garlic and avocado on brown rice.  My first time!