Sunday, September 13, 2009

Guess who is simultaneously steering the momentum train and enjoying the ride?!  That guy on the left and also, Me! Yes!  I've finished all my exams as of... NOW.

I have the best friends in the world.  Yes.  And they live by their own rules -- their own inner code of just lawlessness.

Was up way too early again and sleepwalked through the eating of one tasteless white peach for breakfast.  After my exam I replenished my silo for mental fuel with some day-old quinoa and a spinach smoothie with strawberries and cacao.  (And a chocolate brownie cookie for dessert.)

While madly scribbling out answers today and rewriting the rules of logic, I flung my eraser behind me.  I didn't swear outloud, though.  I just sat there for a moment, too nervous to turn around to pick it up lest the supervisor suspect I was trying to cheat by looking at someone else's calculus exam.  (Yes, each of us were writing an exam for a different course, but I'm paranoid like that during exams -- I never look anywhere but at the front of the room or down at my paper.  My back is ready for a massage right about now.)  Anyway, a thoughtful girl noticed my eraser come flying at her so she retrieved it and placed it gently beside me.  I let out an appreciative, "Thanks!" to which she gave an automatic, "You're welcome."  And then we both got automatic zeros.

Kidding.  Hot action time!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Hi. I've been living on veggie burritos, frozen yogurt, spinach smoothies and fruit.  And adrenaline.

More later.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Finished my final stats unit today.  I feel relieved but concerned, as I don't recall the reasons for utilizing (I don't like that word) certain equations to calculate whatever solutions I judged to look like something that the answer should look like.  But the units = completed!  Now for the final exam.  

I didn't leave the house very much at all today, and thanks to bowls of life-sustaining quinoa seed, I maintained my course along Priority Route.  Not the scenic path, but it gets me places.  Somehow during this time of grindstoning it I managed to watch the Twilight movie and become obsessed.

I did not eat an apple.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Today I did a lot of planning and a lot of coursework, which is code for I sat around and stared at the wall while my books rested undisturbed upon my lap.

Really, I was in productive-mode -- until someone brought the above countdown distraction to my attention... at which point I sat around and thought about action comma the taking of.  [My courses' completion date coincides with Hot Action weekend! Coincidence? -- or the definition of Hot Action? Either way I'm looking forward to it.]

Some of the action witnessed by my windowsill basil plant:

I enjoyed quinoa; a strawberry smoothie with cacao and two bananas; a panini with avocado, strawberry tomatoes, arugula and monterey jack cheese (which had what I imagine to be a dirtysocklike aftertaste. The cheese boasts a 'low content of tyramine, an organic compound thought to be associated with headaches,' so I went for it anyway); a nectarine and I think that's it.

Bike ride from west end to West Van = 11:54pm-12:36am.  42 minutes.  During tonight's windy ride, my thoughts after studying all day: this ride is feeling harder on my legs than usual... hypoxia... cyanosis... alveoli...emphysema... Going through Stanley Park now... it's dark and the moon reminds me of something... I wonder if the zombies that run fast are scarier than the original type... how do they run so fast?  Must be some sort of muscle tetany.. no that doesn't make sense...  Etc. I'm certain that I took an extra two minutes longer thanks to the cumulative 2-second over-the-shoulder checks made throughout the forested portion of the ride.  And on the bridge.  They come when you least expect it.

And good things come, too.

Cary Fowler's TED Talk on Agricultural Importance of Seed Biodiversity

"Cary Fowler takes us inside a vast global seed bank, buried within a frozen mountain in Norway, that stores a diverse group of food-crop for whatever tomorrow may bring."

Fowler: Agricultural biodiversity is the foundation of agricultural systems and therefore of human systems.