Sunday, December 20, 2009

For dinner last night, I chose sweet potatoes and avocado.  It's a pleasing combination of colours, tastes and textures.  I think I've mentioned that before.  Anyway, here's some bonus materal pictured above -- some of my notes I was taking on Power Reading while listening to Brian Tracy audio books, haaa.

I tried to go to bed early last night (earlier than the usual 3 am).  I was zonked by 10 so I went to bed... and lay awake until 2 am.  Awesome.

Breakfast: a hardboiled egg and a chocolate chip cookie.  Not the best choice, but it's what I had in the house.

Today we did some exercising in the rain!  Sea wall = pwned.  And the preceding sentence captures just how cool I felt while running and texting.

Post-run smoothie: a banana and strawberries.  My phone is happily drying and recharging.  I love my life.  I don't love running.


Jennifer said...

I like the sweet potatoes and avocado creation. This looks verrry promising. I'm going to make it tomorrow. :)
I added avocado to my rice and veggies I made today. It was delicious. Yay for avocados!!!!

Sonya said...

I agree, avocado goes with everything (mmmmm, rice and veggies -- what kind of veggies did you make?).

Sweet potatoes + avocado = comfort food.

CVH said...

Still running? A ha ha ha ha. I love it. Enjoy the torture. One day it will feel easier and it will be an incredible experience... (I hope for ur sake). IF not, screw it! And I especially like your breakfast :)

Jennifer said...

I made spinach, onions, mushrooms, zucchini with some curry and cayenne!

Sweet potatoes + avocado = delicious!